NAME: Llyriel Kasyanova. HOBBIES: drawing, writing, dancing, singing, reading, going out, chatting, meditating, contemplating, having deep conversations (uh-huh), playing the piano... and lots more stuff. FAVOURITE MUSIC: Delerium, Loreena McKennit, Usher, Pink, Cranberries, Anouk, Aaliyah, the Corrs, Rhapsody, Savage Garden, Natalie Imbruglia, Whitney Huston, Tchaikovsky, Peter Paul and Mary, Lisa Thiel... FAVOURITE FOOD: Well, first of all I don't eat meat. I like fresh veggetables and fruits. Russian, Italian, Chinese, and Indonesian food... yummy.
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: In primary school I was a little angel. Silent, devoted to her work, and a bookworm. I drew pictures whenever I had the time. I especially loved all the different colours. I didn't have many friends, but I had lots of fun with the ones that I did have. I was very creative when it came to thinking of games to play, and I suppose I was a bit of a roleplayer at that time. I've been a pirate, mermaid, mother, daughter, princess, orphan, petsitter, and a lot more. In secondary school I suddenly went from outsider to miss popular. It came as a complete shock to me, but I couldn't help but feel flattered. The rush of popularity abated swiftly, and my friend took over from me. I was glad that it passed, because I felt uncomfortable in the center of attention. I stopped drawing as much as I did in primary school, but I still loved art classes. By the end of the first schoolyear I had a boyfriend and for the coming three years relationships were my main concern. Meanwhile, my interest in fantasy grew, and I started writing a fantasy novel called 'Torn'. Then, by the end of 2003, I decided I'd like to give it a try and make a webcomic. I had always wanted to write a story about a boy going to a college of magic, even before Harry Potter became popular, so I decided this would be the perfect oppertunity.
College of Magic is copyrighted by Llyriel Kasyanova. No stealing, please! College of Magic is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.